Monday, March 30, 2009

Long Time No See... Or Write??

wow so its been a long time since i wrote anything... lots has gone on! my sister got married in hawaii and it was way fun to go there and see it!! i'll put some pictures on soon. I have been skiing at least 20 times. not as many as some but still a record for me! i have made some new friends and they are AWESOME!!! Maybe i'll put some pictures of them on there. I saw twilight like 15 times in a week... its pretty good! i watched it with the funniest kid named travis. He didn't get it at all and when we told him there was werewolves in the second one and he about had a heart attack. dang funny kid... annie's puppy is so dang cute even if she is the devil!!!!  we saw big air day and it was way fun!! we hung out with cory and jon and ethan and parker and beau and abbie... lots of people! fun times!! and cory was angry cuz jon threw his orange in the pond... oh no!! oh well. I love all my friends and i am like depressed cuz the ski season is over and i won't be able to hang out with half the people that i do cuz i only see them skiing. so yeah... life is awesome for the time being!!! and i will try and write more stuff... even though i suck at it!! anywho later!!


Me Rach and Ash

Ali and her fiance Alex

Ali and her fiance Alex
They're so cute!


this is toad! she is such a sweetie and now we're related! yay!!